At this time, in the same town, there was a man having the time of his life... according to the world's standards. He was the drummer in a successful local rock band working their way to "the big time," living the lifestyle of a rock-star (no more detail needed). Although he was having a good time, on the inside he knew there had to be something else to life. He was brought up in a home that believed in God, and he did have a head knowledge, but never had been saved.
In 1991, he was enjoying his normal day with friends & looked out the window of his apartment. There was the young woman walking to her car. He joked with his friends saying, "I'm gonna marry that girl." Little did he know that that young woman worked at the same salon as his sister! After begging his sister to "hook them up," she told him that she was a Christian and wouldn't be interested. Against the odds, they began dating. She'd go see him play in his show, go to concerts... usual dating stuff. Early in the relationship (weeks), he knew she was the one. After confessing this, she suggested they see other people. To no one's surprise, that was quickly changed to "I don't want to see anyone else." Just a few shorts months later in August, they were married
One month later in late September, they found out they were expecting!
Although they were unequally yoked (believer with unbeliever), he still would go to church with her. Sat under good preaching and singing, never went forward.
One night in October, he was sitting in church as usual, but under heavy conviction. When the altar call was given, he stood up, but his hands were completely fastened to the pew. One of the elderly ladies in the church was sitting next to him, the one that helped my mom when she was first saved, and gently touched his hand. He let go, walked down the isle and got saved that night! That night their lives changed forever. They were now a couple that was striving to serve and please God TOGETHER with their life! They started serving in their local church, doing youth ministry as well as trying to start a van ministry. In June of 1992, their daughter was born and less than two years later their son. 22 years later, they are still serving the Lord faithfully! Been at the same church for 17 years and have been serving together in the van/bus ministry for 16 of those years.
The Lord truly works in ways beyond our understanding.
He brought my mom and her family when she was 15 all the way from Kokomo, Indiana to Maryville, TN (where my mom's stepdad is from). JUST so happened to be the same age as the guy who preached the night she was saved (who is our pastor now, Bro. Tom Hatley). Then putting my dad, who is a tad (ha) older than my mom, in the same apartment building as her. And THEN having my mom work with my dad's sister Vanessa at the JC Penny salon. Like, for real. How in the world did this happen? I'll tell you how it happened.
God made it happen. He has had our family in mind from the day he died on the cross for our sins. He has had our family in mind in every step that has brought them to this place that they are in today. Because of their decision not to just be saved, but to be a dedicated servant to Christ, it forever changed the direction of how my family COULD have ended up. How I could have ended up.
**Take heed to this. One decision can change your life! So when you say that your decisions don't affect others, this is just one example of how dreadfully wrong that statement is. Even as a single person, my mom's decisions changed her life. Same for my dad.**
My dad is not a preacher, but he and my mom are faithful to the Lord and our church. They are very loyal & humble people who would defend the Truth at all costs. They have done well in training Jacob & I in the ways of the Lord. We were always faithful to church. Even having small children they always took us on the route on Saturday and we rode the bus on Sunday. We didn't get "free Saturdays" or "free Sundays" that I hear some kids/teens/adults talk about these days. Free Sunday? You mean, free Sunday... as in no choir practice? Haha
I am not perfect. Neither are my parents. We argue and get mad. We sin. We are human. I could give you a list of things that my parents have done wrong in my eyes. C'mon, I'm 21. But the list of things that my parents have done for me to meet my physical needs, as well as helping me spiritually, out number the bad astronomically. They are hard workers. In their worldly jobs, at home and for the Lord. They both have servant's hearts, and that is something that even big time preachers and evangelists cannot say they possess (trust me, I can tell lol).
I am so thankful that God's ways are not our ways. We want the easy way out. A cop-out, basically. We want the low hanging fruit. The cheapest and quickest way out. So we have a generic result. But, when God has his way, he gives us a beautiful picture of His love and care for us. So much that he would plan out the details of our lives to make it as happy and blessed as possible while we serve Him. And in some cases, like my parents, He gives us a beautiful trophy of grace.
-Carrie Anna
I made this post in honor of my parents upcoming 22 anniversary in a week(ish)! My mom turned 44 in June, this is their 22 anniversary and my dad is turning 55 this October! Funny how it's all double numbers :)
Happy Anniversary!